AmigaOS3.5 (476/967)

From:Don Cox
Date:16 May 2000 at 10:48:06
Subject:Re: Block size

Hello Adam

On 16-May-00, Adam Szymczak wrote:
> On 14-May-00, Don Cox wrote:
>> Increasing the "addbuffers" settings in startup-sequence also speeds
>> up the drive, but if you have big blocks this can use up a lot of
>> RAM. Each buffer is the size of a block.
> This may sound trivial, but for the sake of clarity, using
> "addbuffers" does NOT 'speed up the drive'. That sounds like you are
> making the hard drive faster when in reality your not. Lets use the
> correct terminology: using "addbuffers" typically improves disk access
> speeds.

Well, the drive doesn't spin any faster, but you get your data from it
faster. Most people would call this "speeding it up".


Don Cox

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